Church & Kingdom (Book 8)

Church & Kingdom (Book 8)

ISBN: 9780715144770

Price: £6.99

This eighth volume, the final title in the Grow stage, explores what it means to live as a child of the kingdom of God and to follow in the way of Christ each day as a member of his Church. Its six sessions combine simple prayer, reflection on the Bible in the lectio divina style, an article by a modern writer, and time for questions and reflection.

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The Sessions

Session One: Praying through Life

With a Reflection by Stephen Cottrell

Explores the importance of prayer, particularly daily prayer as foundational for the Christian life.

Session Two: At home and at work

With a Reflection by Paula Gooder

Looks at how we live out our faith every day and of the importance of Sabbath.

Session Three: Living generously

With a Reflection by John Preston

Considers what it means to reflect the generosity of God in our own lives.

Session Four: In all my relationships

With a Reflection by Rachel Treweek

Looks at how faith in the God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit shapes and changes all our relationships.

Session Five: Confronting the injustices of the world

With a Reflection by Ann Morisy

Considers how the Christian life requires us to be involved in the affairs of the world and to witness to God’s kingdom of peace and justice every day.

Session Six: Treading lightly on the earth

With a Reflection by David Walker

Explores our relationship with the earth itself.


Also available in a pack of 6 or a pack of 25.