The Bible (Book 7)

The Bible (Book 7)

ISBN: 9780715144732

Price: £6.99

This seventh volume, the third title in the Grow stage, explores the Bible: what it is, how it was given to us and how we should read it. Its six sessions combine simple prayer, Bible reflection in the lectio divina style, an article by a modern writer, and time for questions and reflection.

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The Sessions

Session One: What is the Bible?

With a Reflection by Paula Gooder

Looks at a ‘way in’ to reading the Bible, thinking particularly about how to recognize what kind of writing the Bible is.

Session Two: The Bible as Breath

With a Reflection by David Moxon

Reflects on what it means to say that the Bible is the breath of God.

Session Three: The Bible as a stream of living water

With a Reflection by Rosemary Lain-Priestley

Explores how the Bible nourishes us.

Session Four: The Bible as a lamp

With a Reflection by Vivienne Faull

Looks at the Bible as something that enlightens and informs us as Christians.

Session Five: The Bible as a two-edged sword

With a Reflection by Paula Gooder

Explores what it means to say that the Bible is living and active.

Session Six: Daily bread

With a Reflection by Steven Croft

Discusses more about making Bible-reading a part of our regular life and prayer.


Also available in a pack of 6 or a pack of 25.